Postpartum Doula: What is it?

On episode 69 of the Learning to Mom Podcast, I chatted with Gigi Vera Vincent, a postpartum doula and host of the Ready for Baby Podcast. We discussed services and support that postpartum doulas provide for new moms.

Excited to hear more? Listen to episode 69 of the Learning to Mom Podcast, “Postpartum Healing Tips from a Postpartum Doula | Ep. 69” to learn what’s up!

Postpartum Doula Services

Postpartum doulas help new moms in a variety of areas:

  • Belly Binding- Tying fabric around stomach. 

  • Helps with core muscles & going to bathroom

  • Prepping on-the-go meals (oatmeal/soup in a cup)

  • Warming oils- Helps with stomach/bathroom issues

  • Building a support team/village for mom

  • FOOD- One of the main things postpartum doulas help with is getting moms nutrients.

    • Proper food and hydration decreases the risks of developing postpartum mood disorders

When does a Postpartum Doula Help?

A Postpartum Doula specifically supports moms during the early months after giving birth (the Postpartum period).

For example, a Postpartum Doula may support a new mom during the first 3 or 4 months after delivery.

Why Hire a Postpartum Doula?

A Postpartum Doula can help alleviate the stress of managing Postpartum. They support new moms in a variety of ways:

  • Making sure they eat well & rest

  • Making sure their baby eats (breastfeeding, formula, etc.)

Postpartum Doulas can provide support with self-care and postpartum recovery:

  • Warming oils: These techniques help to calm vaginal irritation & strengthen your core, respectively.

  • Education: Postpartum Doulas help educate new moms on these techniques, tips and newborn care.

Postpartum Doula and Newborn Specialist

A newborn care specialist focuses specifically on caring for the newborn

This care may involve:

  • Assisting with safe sleep

  • Assisting with a safe bath time routine

Postpartum Doula: Provides services that focus on both mom & newborn.

Postpartum Doula and Night Nurse

A night nurse is the same as a newborn case specialist.

What do they do?

  • A night nurse assists with feeding, changing, burping, and comforting the baby.

  • A night nurse creates a safe sleep routine for the baby.

A big factor which distinguishes night nurses from Postpartum Doulas is that they work overnight.

Postpartum Tips from a Postpartum Doula:

  1. Take a Postpartum class: Taking a Postpartum class will teach you about the obstacles of Postpartum and how to handle them so that you aren’t blind sided when you experience them for the first time

  2. Create your village- This may include a variety of people:

  • Professionals (Pelvic Floor Therapist, Doula, Lactation Consultant)

  • Medical professionals (Chiropractor & acupuncturist)

  • Personal (friends & family)

3. Set expectations with your village

4. Learn how to self-advocate

5. Plan: Create a Postpartum plan, involving the previously mentioned techniques.

  • Nutritious food, warming oils, boundaries etc.

Could a Postpartum Doula be Right for You?

During the overwhelming time of Postpartum, a Postpartum Doula may relieve your stress.

Curious to know how you can find support?

To learn more about this topic, tune into episode 69 of the Learning to Mom Podcast, “Postpartum Healing Tips from a Postpartum Doula | Ep. 69!”

See if a Postpartum Doula is right for you!


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